Wednesday, December 17, 2008

other things

Here are some pictures of different things, in no particular order...

This is my morning walk to school from the bus stop.

One night, rappers were shooting a music video in front of our apartment building.

Dylan and I spent a Sunday afternoon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Dylan liked the Oceanic art.

These are pictures from a beautiful fall day in Brooklyn's Prospect Park with our friend Jessica.

The street read "and bread". Weird.

Christmas trees for sale...

We moved into a new place!  (Just kidding.  This is an especially gross subway stop.)

There are these King of the Hill things around.  This is Mike Leech.

Dylan and I spent a Sunday afternoon at the New Museum.  It was neat.  The 7th floor has a roof observatory.

Dylan and I ate this delicious pizza at John's Pizza.  We eat pizza a lot. Yum! 


adam said...

"some real f---ing brooklyn pizza!" I don't know if it is from brooklyn. i've just been waiting for an opportunity to use that line.

merveilleuse said...

i love your new place! ha ha!

and awesome rapper vid. you should have asked to make a guest appearance. Big Dyl and MacD are decent hip hop names, i think.

Jessica.h said...
