Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It's my spring break. Here's what I've been up to...

Our friends from Minnesota Kyle and Brody are visiting. On Friday we took the Staten Island Ferry to get a good look at lady liberty. On the way back, this coast guard drove past us. I thought the huge gun was pretty ridiculous. Dylan took this picture of it.

Later that day we ate at the famous Grimaldi's Pizza and took a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

We checked out Wall Street.

On Easter Sunday we went to church at Grace Episcopal church downtown. You'll never guess who sat 14 pews ahead of us....Bill, Hilary, and Chelsea! That's right, the Clintons! I walked right next to them as we were exiting the church. It was pretty exciting. Sorry, I didn't snap any photos. Kyle got some good ones though.
The church also had free pancakes, sausage, fruit, cupcakes, candy and coffee. It was so lovely. (The Clintons did not stay for the free pancakes.)

We sat out in this little patio area and some kids gave Dylan a hard time about his "diet".

After church, we walked through Central Park and then checked out the Dakota where John Lennon was shot.
Then we had a snack at Tom's Restaurant. Recognize it?

Last night I made a lasagna. Here are the components.
It took a while, but it was pretty good. Perhaps a little too much spinach. As you can see, I need a bigger dish.

Today Dylan and I went to a taping of the Martha Stewart show! The guest was Charles Grodon. Dylan was excited about that. He was funny. We all got to take home his new book and a plant!

Martha's dreamy kitchen with every utensil you can imagine.

Dylan got a little bored.
Martha looked great! We sat on the floor in the 2nd row, so we were real close. The show will air this Friday, April 17th if you care to watch. I was sitting directly behind the kid that Charles Grodon mentors, but I didn't really make it on camera, except for a little bit when they show us eating the yummy cookies they made.


Ms. Jenny said...

1. the church/balloons/free pancakes look so cuuuuuuuuute! plus, the clintons?! very fab
2. martha stewart?! her kitchen does look dreamy, but remember how she went to jail? i hope you weren't scared being in the presence of such a hardened criminal
3. that pic of you & big dyl under that blossoming tree is like the maximum amount of precious. it says "young love in spring time in the big apple." but in a good way.

merveilleuse said...

i hope you're enjoying your break. you're too cute. i agree with jenny that you and dyl look lovely under that tree.

miss you.......xxxxxxo!

slvb said...

Wow! You and Dyl are getting around. I loved your photo essay. Thank you for the E-Birthday card!