Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Visitors

Last weekend, Indigineous People's weekend, Adam and Maria came to visit!

This is where Dylan works, in case you were interested.

We started the weekend off the way it should be started- with tasty Brooklyn Pizza.

Dylan is now a vegetarian, so we just got a plain cheese pizza.

Real, effin, Brooklyn Pizza!

Then we did the bridge.

Check this out:

Saturday we headed up to the Upper West Side to the Museum of Natural History.
I consulted the map.

The squid and the whale.

Adam, keepin' it real with the sharks.

This is a blurry pic of me giving the official thumbs up for the giant whale.

Dylan showcasing the giant whale.

Dylan tackled some wolves.

I communicated with the mountain goats.

This picture is for Andre Archerd. If you're out there...

Then we walked through Central Park.
Dylan and Adam had a brotherly moment.

We posed by this fountain, which Dylan and I learned more about last night while we watched the Ric Burns New York documentary. The fountain is a memorial for the union men lost in the civil war. People did not appreciate the angel at first, because she looked frumpy, but then she became appreciated because she represented the American people (0r something like that).

We had some dinner, met up with Mike and Caitlin and checked out Times Square.

My Irish roots.

Action shot.

Sunday = New York Aquarium & Coney Island.

Pretty Jellies.

This guy. God sure had a sense of humor when he created that! Ha!

The Atlantic Ocean.

Boardwalk. Maria contemplated buying a knish, but decided it would be best not to.

Schultz boys.

Then we waited in line forever to see Upright Citizens Brigrade comics for free.

This is where we live (NOT!)

Party pics by the east river.

That's about it. Now, don't you want to visit?


Rachel said...

these. are. all. AWESOME.

merveilleuse said...

um, to answer your question, YEAH!