Thursday, July 15, 2010


Here are some pictures that I took while in Mexico, in case you were interested.

I met Alena at the aeropuerto and we got on an autobus and rode it all the way to Guanajuato.

When we arrived in Guanajuato, Alena called her aunt.

Their house was great. This is where we slept.

The next day we explored the city. First stop, a museum with lots of mini things.

and art.

This is the University.

We proceeded to the birthplace of Diego Rivera.
I was into this light fixture.

Alena stopped to buy some coconut.

Guanajuato is a beautiful little city.

If you are easily frightened, you might not want to go on. Scroll down at your own risk!


El museo de las momias! Soooo a long time ago, the city of Guanajuato decided to tax people who had family members buried in the cemetery. They dug up the people whose families couldn't afford it and discovered that they had been naturally mummified! It's kind of weird/sad/interesting.

This baby still had its eyelashes!

La momia mas pequena del mundo!

Then we did one of these.

Serious street dog.

Catedral grande y viejo.

This mangy mutt followed us up to Alena's aunt and uncle's house.

They took us to an old hacienda and we enjoyed music from this great band. I loved it.

Then we went to a party!

We watched this intense flamenco dancer.

And enjoyed views of the city.

On our way home we stumbled upon these cute little singers.

The next day Alena and I walked to the edge of the city.

We ended up going to this creepy house.
This reminded me of Evil Dead 2.
More creepy.

Alena and her uncle Jeff.

Aunt Nina.

We said farewell and hopped on an overnight bus to Puerto Vallarta. We arrived at our hotel at 9:30 and weren't allowed in our room until 1:30, so we hung out at the breakfast buffet and drank champagne.

Our room.

View from our room.

The funky lobby.

This was outside an abandoned sports themed hotel and restaurant.

Look at this amazing sand art!

Pretty dolphin sculpture pics.

Cheese chick!

Chillin' in the pool bar.

We went to a great restaurant called Le Langosta Feliz. There was a great view of the jungle hills. It was perfect.

After lots of drizzle and clouds, we finally got some more rays on our last day. And some sweet tropical drinks.



merveilleuse said...

wow wow WOW! you look amazing and so does your trip!

mattm said...

Let me know if you want to expatriatize to Puerto Vallarta -- Sarah and are talking about it.

We could grow produce in the hills and sell it to local restaurantes.

Great pics, BTW. Looks like you two had an adventurous time.

How's your Spanish, BTW?

MacKenzie said...

I would much rather move to Guanajuato. It was much more charming than P.V. Although P.V. does have that ocean next to it.

My Spanish is not very good. I tried my best to speak it while in Mexico. My friend Alena's is pretty good, so we got by. I'm borrowing Rosetta Stone from my school right now, so hopefully that will improve my skills.

Hablas espanol?

MacKenzie said...

Also, I saw a woman at our hotel in the pool that looked so much like Sarah I had to do a triple take. You better make sure she wasn't out on some crazy secret love affair vacay in Mexico.

Aberdeen said...

I love your pix and your hair is getting so long!


MacKenzie said...

Thanks! Yours is too!

mattm said...

Sarah has been astral projecting her spirit self all over hell recently, so that's probably what you saw.

Was she with (the psycho-spiritual manifestation of) some dude?!?

Our Spanish isn't very good.

Carly said...

I wish this were on Facebook so I could "like" it!

MacKenzie said...

Hi Carly!

MacKenzie said...

Hi Carly!

Carly said...


Carly said...

Hi! ;)