Tuesday, May 19, 2009

newish things

Last weekend, I went on a retreat with the staff at my school. It was great, we stayed at the Mariott in Terrytown, just north of the Bronx. I really like my co-workers.
This is the view from our hotel room. Nature...
Here's my friend Natalie resting on our comfortable beds.

Yesterday Dylan used his powers of persuasion and scored us some really nice seats at Yankee Stadium for a really low price. The Yankees were playing the Twins!
The new stadium is super fancy!
Lots of big screens and things to look at...

We were so close! The left fielder could hear you if you wanted to tell him something...

This guy talked to us even though we were Twins fans.

We were having a nice time....but then things started to get a little tense.

People caught on to us and began heckling and harassing.

Here are some things that were yelled at us:
"Is that your cousin or your girlfriend?"
"They must be Twins!"
"All the denim in the world can't save you now!" (We both happened to be wearing jean jackets).
"Take a picture while someone's kicking his ass!"

It was pretty exciting.

The Twins lost.


slvb said...

Damned Skankees!
You two showed amazing courage to root for the Twinks.

Aberdeen said...

Hahahahahahah!!! That is hilarious! :) :)

Rachel said...

I think all the denim in the world just might save you ...

merveilleuse said...

hahahahah! aberdeen is right. i came to post the same thing. hilarious!!!